Saturday, November 13, 2010

Is that me?

About a two months ago on UK-Yankee, Erica and I came across an opportunity to be extras in a feature film. The film was being directed by Madonna and filmed in London, except that a certain scene was going to be set in New York and Madonna was insisting on real American extras. Erica took a few nice headshots of the two of us and we sent them off. A few days later they contacted us and said they could use us. Long story short it eventually fell through and we forgot about it; until last month when the casting agency contacted me and wanted to know if I was available the next day to be a driving double in a different movie.

The movie's working title is My Week With Marilyn and is based on a book written by Colin Clark during his time on the set. My role as driving double had me showing up at Saltwood Castle in nearby Hythe at nine in the morning. I was given a costume and then was told to wait until called. I sat around and read a book until one; then we broke for lunch. After lunch I was given a quick driving lesson. The car in question was a 1934 MG coupe convertible (The car in the picture). After my ten minute lesson I sat around again until three then drove off with some camera guys to a rather remote location of Kent where a road had been closed off for us. They then proceded to have me drive up and down a road twice while they filmed, probably 500 feet of driving total. Then they took the car to another location and filmed the owner of the car driving it. The shot was from a distance so it didn't matter who was in the car. Then at six I went home. My fee for twenty minutes of work? £120

Since my face wasn't seen in the car scenes they asked if they could use me again in another scene at a later date. About two weeks later I was asked to be at the Rivoli Ballroom in Lewisham near London at 6:45 in the morning. This meant leaving home at about five, but a job is a job. Once they had costumed, fed, and made-up everyone it was a little after nine and we were ready to film. The scenes to be shot featured Eddie Redmayne (the actor I had doubled for) and Emma Watson (Hermoine from Harry Potter) who plays a small but important role. Starting at nine we shot three scenes. We finished the first minute and a half scene at three...In the scene Lucy (Emma) and Colin (Eddie) are dancing, return to their table, and end the scene by kissing. The table that I am sitting at should be in the background of the shot. The last three hours of filming was spent on two dance scenes. I quietly opted out but may be seen in the background at a table taking to a waiter. We finished off the day with a short scene of the ballroom band playing and people crowded around.

All in all both days were enjoyable and the £120 a day was nice. I have not been contacted for any other work. (Guess I'll have to wait until Mr. Redmayne is in another film). I won't be rushing out to see the film, but might check it out on Netflix eventually. I won't be taking anymore work unless my lovely wife is offered a part too. It seems that attractive pregnant moms would be in high demand.