Thursday, November 19, 2009


The terrace house next door just went up for sale and our free (ghosted) internet disappeared as of Monday. Coincidence? Thus the lack of contact.

Disconnected: that's how we've feeling this week on a few fronts, yet on one front it is looking up.

We think we have settled on the large C.O.E. in Maidstone as our home church. We went on Sunday morning and Erica bit the bullet and introduced us to a trio of young people (Chantel, Faith, and Scott) who looked about our age. They were very receptive and we chatted with them for quite a bit. Chantel and Scott are engaged? and Chantel is a professional graphic designer at the creative agency that Erica drools at everytime we drive by. Scott is currently in university studying to be a P.E. teacher. He played basketball (semi-professionally?) in London for a few years and spent a summer in Columbus, Ohio (believe it or not) playing basketball. Faith is a youth-worker (a pseudo-youth pastor in the public schools) in maidstone and is one of those infectious personality types. We've been invited to join them for dinner Sunday night and it turns out that a guy (Daveo Ho) that went to Moody at the same time we did is originally from this church.

We went to a (young persons') small group on Wednesday that Faith invited us to. Out of the 13 normal people there were 5 including us, and we were the youngest by a good 20? years. We'll see how that goes.

The job at the sporting goods store is going well. I am getting more hours and am still doing well at it and gaining more responsibility there. Erica's classes are going well and we're looking forward to having Anna over from Switzerland for Thanksgiving. Other exciting news is that this summer we're going to be an aunt and uncle. Allie and Evan are expecting.

Sorry for the bare details version of this post. More exciting material to come later.


1 comment:

  1. So do you work at a sporting goods store or a pub Zac? I just found your blog, and I am a little confused.
