Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Thursday night it started snowing, and Friday morning was peacefully quiet. Normally Zac and I are woken up every morning to the soothing sounds of rush hour traffic from about 6 am to 9 am, so we knew it must have been a LOT of snow because we heard no cars at all. Zac estimates it was about 6 inches, but it was enough to keep everyone from leaving their houses. We didn't get any mail for 2 days, we got our little lightweight car with wimpy tires stuck 5 separate times (once by myself (Erica) but 4 guys appeared out of nowhere and helped me push my car out), and it took Zac 2 hours to get to work, normally a 15 minute drive. Other than that, it was absolutely beautiful! Saturday we went "sledding" at a nearby park on a flattened cardboard box (this same box helped us free the car twice) and on Sunday it was so clear and reasonably warm that I went for 2 long walks (Zac joined me for one of them). Today it is melting, so I'm sure we won't have a white Christmas. In fact, I'm hoping we don't because if we get snowed in it means our plans to drive 2 hours to Portsmouth for Christmas dinner with friends will turn into eating cold sandwiches together at home.

1 comment:

  1. I love the snow pictures! I want to go sledding when I'm there!
