Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We hit the kerb and our tyre went flat right in front of the gaol!

Some of the oddest British words are the ones that are pronounced the same , but spelled a different way. Some can really throw you off when you read them. Others will always look a bit odd.

Kerb--a stone or concrete edging to a street or path. (Curb)

Gaol--a place for the confinement of people accused or convicted of a crime. (Jail)

Tyre--a rubber covering, typically inflated or surrounding an inflated inner tube, placed around a wheel to form a flexible contact with the road. (Tire)

Foetus--an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception. (Fetus)

And one completely different...

Draughts--They don't call the game checkers over here, they call it draughts.

Wikipedia has a good list of these "Misspelled" words if you want to check out more.


  1. I just ran into draughts today looking up information about chess.

  2. The title of this post reminds me of grade school and having to use vocab words in sentence. For the lazy kid, putting three vocab words in one sentence meant weird sentences but less work.
