Thursday, November 10, 2011

Just One of Those Things

Erica and I have been in the UK for over two years, have adjusted to/accepted most of the cultural differences and yet I am always surprised by how much it bothers me.

The zippers over here are backwards.

Here's what I mean.

When I buy a jacket or hoodie, I put it on and as I go to zip it up the pull of the zipper is in my left hand rather than the right.

This really threw me off at first when I would be out browsing at a shop such as H&M (where I am never quite sure what are men's clothes and what are women's).

While I now understand that it is backwards to what I am used to; it is always strange when I put on a jacket for the first time and I routinely use my right hand to grab for the pull even on a jacket that I have owned for over a year.

As opposed to other left-handed peculiarities this is one that is not limited to the UK. While we were in Ukraine last year we met up with one of the missionaries who was there in Kiev. He was wearing a nice custom made track jacket with the name of the football team that he coached on it. I jokingly asked him if it had an 'American' zipper or a 'European' zipper. He made clear that it had a 'normal' zipper and that the rest of teams jackets all had the American style as well.

I guess in the changing of cultures there are some things that you just can't let go of.

In other news, yesterday I met up with a DDO named Clive. Details to follow shortly.

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