Monday, August 27, 2012

TGIF! (Thank God It's Freecycle!)

Apparently I was in the right place at the right time.

I was sitting on the computer on Thursday and a batch of Freecycle e-mails popped up. I noticed that someone was giving away a bike and decided to try for it since the one I had been using was stolen a few months back. 

I e-mailed the guy and he said I was the first one to contact him so I could have it. He told me that it had been in his garage (the Brits pronounce garage like this by the way) and that all that was wrong with it was that both tyres were flat. It turns out that nothing was wrong with the back tyre (used the included pump to find that out). I had to replace the inner tube on the front tyre, but luckily had an extra tube from Erica's bike that fit.

It is a seven speed, comes with a pump that fits in between the frame, and he left the saddle bags that he had on the back which will be very useful for items that I can't fit in my messenger bag.

p.s. The picture above isn't actually my bike. I was too lazy to go take a picture and someone had sold one on a classifieds site over here and I found the picture there. Same bike though, even down to the colour.

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